about the college | Al Qalam University College
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About College

Al Qalam University College

The college was established in 2009 under the approval of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in its letter (427) in 2009. , Qur’an Sciences, English) and then successively the development of the remaining sections until they reached 13 sections and successively managed by Messrs. Deans

Prof. Jihad Ezzat Abdullah (2009-2010)

Prof. Dr. Wadih Yassin (2013-2014)

Prof. Dr. Abdel Qader Hatem Sultan (2014-2015)

Prof. Bahram Khurshid Muhammad Ali (2016-2017)

Prof. Diyar Maghid Ahmed (2017-2018)

Prof. Aso Saleh Saeed (2017-2018)

Prof. Ali Makki Saghir (2017-2018)

Mr. Dr. Latif Saeed Barzanji (2022-2023)

The total number of students currently is (4159), (2327) morning students, (1832) evening students. The teaching staff is (187) teachers, in addition to (120) administrative employees. It has a distinguished location on the main street that connects Kirkuk with Sulaymaniyah. It is ten minutes from the city center of Kirkuk and about an hour from the city of Sulaymaniyah

The management and investor leadership of the college seeks to provide the best educational means and a university atmosphere that is characterized by comfort and luxury through the construction of modern listed halls, attention to the college’s gardens and its facade, and making every effort to build a distinguished restaurant for students with international specifications and food under strict health control, Its scientific staff also strives to make maximum efforts to raise the level of education in the college to rise according to international standards

The college hopes to soon establish other departments, such as the department of pharmacy, dentistry and accounting, and transform the college into an integrated university in the near future, God willing

The strategy

Excellence in performance to take a prominent scientific position among the corresponding colleges in their fields of work. And the scientific and professional preparation of its students with interest in scientific research that is sober and of direct benefit to society and direct effective interaction with all community institutions

Message: and its interim goals

Commitment to scientific honesty in transferring useful information to students from the best scientific sources and preparing qualified graduates capable of performing the tasks entrusted to them in the future in the labor market

Focus on the scientific knowledge needed by the labor market with its development and fluctuations, taking into account the solid scientific rules

Accommodating the increasing numbers of high school graduates to enable them to gain knowledge and benefit from it

Scientific, medical, technical and administrative support for all state institutions and the private sector in the governorate, by accepting those who wish to develop the scientific capabilities of evening studies

Continuous search for the best learning methods from international universities and their application in order to achieve a prestigious scientific position for the college among the corresponding colleges

Diligent pursuit of the development of departments and specializations that the college sees that the labor market needs

In fulfillment of the needs and status of students, the college seeks to transform it into a university that thrives scientifically among other Iraqi universities, to include the largest number of specializations in the service of the public interest

Immediate goals

Full commitment to the official decisions scientifically and administratively

Preparing students scientifically and educationally and following up their growth within the college from the first stage until graduation and following up their career after graduation as much as possible

Commitment to international quality standards applicable in the field of education

Develop and develop teaching skills by engaging them in external and internal courses and workshops, and encouraging publication of scientific research and reputable journals

Developing means of interaction with civil society in various activities

Development and development of administrative human resources

Continuous discussion and development of curricula and teaching aids

Continuous work to develop the amenities of students in the college and provide all the requirements required for them

work prospects

To obtain an advanced scientific position among the corresponding colleges

To obtain cooperation and twinning agreements with prestigious international colleges

To be able to accommodate all students wishing to study there

To be able to attract the necessary teaching staff to achieve its goals and at the highest scientific levels

Obtaining the necessary approvals to create new scientific departments and convert them into a university

To be able to expand its area and create new buildings as needed