Al-Qalam University College completes all preparations to take the final exams | Al Qalam University College
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Today, Thursday (5/9/2024), Al-Qalam University College completed all technical and logistical preparations related to the final exams for the current academic year (2023-2024), in order to provide the appropriate climate for students that helps them take the exams. The halls were prepared with lighting and equipment was maintained. Cooling, preparing books, and determining examination committees.
The Dean of Al-Qalam University College, Professor Dr. Latif Barzanji, said, “The college was keen to prepare the classrooms and all the supplies related to the examination process, as the examination schedule was taken into account from next Saturday, corresponding to (5/11/2024), the beginning of the examinations, until next Monday, corresponding to (5/11/2024). 6/3) End of exams in college.”
He added, “The college has taken all measures regarding the exams, as it conducted the practical exams early, and that entry into the theoretical exams will be on the specified date and according to ministerial instructions, in order to ensure that everything the student needs is provided to complete the exam, which represents the academic outcome of the academic year for the professor and student.”
Barzanji explained that “exams are a good civilized phenomenon, so we hope that students will adhere to the instructions that were announced to them earlier, whether on traditional bulletin boards or official college websites.” He stressed adherence to the uniform and examination instructions issued to them and attention to the special duties that fall on students during the examination process. Pointing out that the college, with its professors and employees, is keen to ensure that the exams run smoothly and flexible and to be successful, calling on the students to have success and lasting success in their academic career.