Al-Qalam University College participates in the work of the General Conference of the Association of Arab Universities | Al Qalam University College
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Today, Monday, 3/4/2024, Al-Qalam University College participated in the work of the General Conference of the Association of Arab Universities in its fifty-sixth edition, which is hosted by the University of Baghdad (4-5) of this month of March, with a large Arab academic presence.
At the beginning of the opening, the President of the University of Baghdad, Dr. Bahaa Ibrahim Ensaf, welcomed the Arab university delegations in Baghdad, expressing the happiness of the Iraqi university and academic communities at this session, which Iraq chairs.
He stressed that the meeting of Arab universities represents an important opportunity to enhance academic cooperation and contributes to providing an environment for the cross-fertilization of ideas responsible for developing the educational field in Arab academic institutions.
For his part, the President of the University of Sousse, Dr. Lotfi Belkacem, President of the previous session of the Union, expressed his thanks and appreciation for his belief in the conference in Baghdad, Emphasizing his aspiration for a new phase of cooperation between Arab universities and educational bodies to establish effective foundations for joint work, while the President of Almontasir University and President of the previous session of the Union, Dr. Al-Hadi Belhaj Saleh, affirmed that the challenges facing our Arab societies have become indicative and it is the responsibility of universities to confront them through scientific treatments, pointing out that: The Association of Arab Universities is considered an important platform for joint work between Arab universities.