Automotive Technology Engineering Department | Al Qalam University College
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Automotive Technology Engineering Department


It seeks to provide qualified personnel in the field of automobile design and manufacturing, in addition to its contribution to stimulating the economic movement in the city and the surrounding districts and villages.
Which contributes to providing qualified personnel in the field of automobile design and manufacturing, in addition to its contribution to stimulating the economic movement in the city and the neighboring districts and villages.

Job Description

  • Developing ideas and producing appropriate designs.
  • Determine the most suitable production materials for automobile spare parts.
  • Participate in solving engineering problems using the principles of mechanics, electricity, and hydraulics.
  • Build prototypes to test their performance, vulnerabilities, and safety.
  • Consider changing customer needs when developing designs and manufacturing procedures.
  • Prepare reports on material estimates, costs, work schedules, and appropriate specifications.
  • Supervising the inspection of the installation and modification of mechanical systems.
  • Review mechanical failures and maintenance problems.
  • Communicating with suppliers and dealing with the supply chain.
  • Project management including budgets, production schedules, resources, staffing and quality control oversight.
  • Inspect and test drive vehicles and verify that there are no errors.

the message

The purpose of creating this department is to prepare specialized, qualified cadres in the field of automotive engineering to meet the needs of the labor market, as well as to support and encourage scientific research in the field of automotive industry technology, in addition to adopting modern technologies appropriate to the needs of the labor market in the fields of design, manufacturing, safety, and performance, as well as contributing to service… The labor market by strengthening the government and private sector in the field of the automotive industry in Qatar by providing it with specialized personnel in the field of automotive industry technology.


The goal behind creating this department is to focus on studying electrical and electronic sciences and designing structures and internal combustion engines for vehicles of various types, in addition to the engineering systems that operate according to them. In addition to preparing competent engineering cadres in the field of automotive engineering in Iraq capable of keeping pace with technological development in the field of cars, as well as contributing to the development of cadres working in the field of automotive engineering in state institutions and departments, in addition to developing the simulation system and special designs in the field of the automobile industry. The study of automotive engineering at the undergraduate level reviews in detail studies of the design of cars and various vehicles, including the stages of design, manufacturing and production. Vehicle mechanics studies, And studies to develop the level of driving, as well as the performance and operation of vehicles, And tests of their tolerance to different conditions, safety and security.

Teaching staff


Ameer Sultan Daoud Suleiman Al-Akidi
mechanical engineering
Student Zaghir Faraj Al-Baydani
Assistant Professor
mechanical engineering
Bashar Hassan Attia Abdel
mechanical engineering
Surkyo Abdul Wahab Mirza Omar Al-Atrushi
mechanical engineering
Walid Ahmed Majeed Rashid Al-Jarrah
Assistant Professor
Agricultural mechanization
Rakan Hussein Bashir Ghadban
assistant teacher
Electronic Engineering
Muhammad Abdel-Baqi Jumah Al-Ani
assistant teacher
electrical engineering

Course description



First stage
