Institution tools for assessment of sustainability literacy and knowledge | Al Qalam University College
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Institution tools

for assessment of sustainability literacy and knowledge

Institution tools for assessment of sustainability literacy and knowledge:

At Al-Qalam University College, we recognize the importance of evaluating sustainability literacy and knowledge among our stakeholders. While we currently do not have a standalone assessment tool specifically dedicated to this purpose, However, we use a multi-faceted approach to assess and advance sustainability knowledge across our campus community.




Our assessment strategies include integrating sustainability-related learning outcomes into our academic programs, conducting surveys and evaluations to gauge students’ understanding of sustainability concepts, and incorporating sustainability-focused projects and assignments into coursework.

Additionally, We encourage participation in extracurricular activities, workshops, and seminars related to sustainability to further enhance awareness and knowledge among students, faculty, and staff.

We continuously evaluate the effectiveness of our sustainability education initiatives and seek opportunities for improvement As part of our commitment to transparency and accountability, We are open to exploring the development of a customized assessment tool for sustainable literacy in the future.