Sustainability policy | Al Qalam University College
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Sustainability policy

Al-Qalam University College Sustainability Policy

At Al-Qalam University College, we are committed to fostering a culture of sustainability that integrates environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability into all aspects of our operations, education, and community engagement . We recognize the urgent need to address global environmental challenges, including climate change, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss, and we acknowledge our responsibility to contribute to sustainable development in Kirkuk, Iraq, and beyond.

Our sustainability policy encompasses the following key principles and commitments:

Environmental Stewardship: We are dedicated to minimizing our environmental impact by reducing resource consumption, minimize waste generation, and promoting conservation practices. We will strive to improve energy efficiency, optimize water usage, and mitigate pollution to protect the local environment and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

Education and Awareness: We are committed to integrating sustainability principles and practices into our academic programs, research initiatives, and extracurricular activities. Through interdisciplinary coursework, seminars, and workshops we will empower our students, faculty, and staff to become sustainability leaders and agents of change in their communities.

Community Engagement: We recognize the importance of engaging with local communities, businesses, and government agencies to address shared sustainability challenges collaboratively. We will seek partnerships and collaborations to promote sustainable development, support local initiatives, and enhance the resilience of Kirkuk’s communities to environmental and social risks.

Ethical and Social Responsibility: We uphold ethical principles and promote social responsibility in all our endeavors. We are committed to upholding human rights, fostering diversity and inclusion, and promoting fair labor practices within our institution and throughout our supply chain.

Continuous Improvement: We are dedicated to continuously monitoring and evaluating our sustainability performance to identify areas for improvement and innovation. Through regular assessment, goal setting, and stakeholder engagement, we will strive for continuous progress towards our sustainability objectives.

This policy applies to all members of the Al-Qalam University College community, including students, faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors We encourage active participation and collaboration from all stakeholders to achieve our shared sustainability goals and create a more resilient and sustainable future for generations to come.


1- Prof. Dr. Goran Qadir Othman

2- Miss Nadia Mahmoud Shukr

3- Mr. Alaa Yilmaz Ezzuldeen