Sustainable Development Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities | Al Qalam University College
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Al-Qalam university College
Special Report

Al-Qalam university College Progress Report on SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities


At Al-Qalam university College, we are deeply committed to advancing SDG 11: “Sustainable Cities and Communities.” We recognize the importance of fostering inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and communities. This report highlights our initiatives and progress in these areas

Our Initiatives and Projects

Sustainable Urban Planning: Al-Qalam university College has actively engaged in sustainable urban planning efforts. We collaborate with local governments to promote green spaces, energy-efficient transportation, and accessible public services
Community Engagement: Our university encourages community engagement through educational programs, volunteering, and outreach. We have organized events to address local challenges, from housing affordability to waste management
Resilience Building: Al-Qalam university College focuses on resilience building in the face of environmental and social challenges. We have developed strategies for disaster preparedness, including earthquake-resistant construction and flood mitigation measures

Impact and Achievements

Sustainable urban planning initiatives have resulted in [increasing green area of the way between Kirkuk and Sulaimania city in Iraq]
Community engagement programs have empowered local residents and addressed pressing issues
Resilience building measures have enhanced the safety and preparedness of our community

Challenges and Lessons Learned

While celebrating our achievements, we recognize challenges such as funding constraints for sustainable infrastructure and the importance of continuous community involvement. Lessons learned include the value of partnership and preparedness

Future Commitments

In the coming years, Al-Qalam university College is dedicated to expanding our efforts in line with SDG 11. We will continue to promote sustainable urban development, empower communities, and further enhance our resilience-building strategies


We are proud of our contributions to SDG 11, “Sustainable Cities and Communities.” Our efforts align with the global commitment to foster inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable urban environments. By publishing this progress report, we hope to inspire others to join us in the journey toward sustainable cities and communities for all