Sustainable Development Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production | Al Qalam University College
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Al-Qalam university College
Special Report

Al-Qalam university College Progress Report on SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production


At Al-Qalam university College, we are committed to promoting SDG 12: “Responsible Consumption and Production.” We understand the importance of sustainable resource management, waste reduction, and responsible consumer behavior. This report outlines our initiatives and progress in promoting responsible consumption and production patterns

Our Initiatives and Projects

Waste Reduction Initiatives: Al-Qalam university College has implemented comprehensive waste reduction initiatives on campus. We have reduced waste through recycling, composting, and reduced packaging
Sustainable Procurement: We prioritize sustainable procurement practices, sourcing products with minimal environmental impact and supporting ethical supply chains
Educational Programs: Our university offers educational programs and campaigns to raise awareness about responsible consumption. We engage our students and staff in sustainable behavior practices

Impact and Achievements

Waste reduction initiatives have significantly reduced our environmental footprint, contributing to a more sustainable campus environment
Sustainable procurement practices have supported ethical production and reduced the impact of our supply chain
Educational programs have increased awareness and inspired responsible consumer behavior among our university community

Challenges and Lessons Learned

While celebrating our achievements, we recognize challenges such as changing consumer behavior and the need for ongoing education. Lessons learned include the importance of institutional commitment and collaboration

Future Commitments

In the coming years, Al-Qalam university College is dedicated to expanding our efforts in line with SDG 12. We will continue to reduce waste, support sustainable procurement, and expand educational programs to promote responsible consumption and production


We are proud of our contributions to SDG 12, “Responsible Consumption and Production.” Our efforts align with the global commitment to promote sustainable resource management and responsible consumer behavior. By publishing this progress report, we hope to inspire others to join us in the journey toward responsible consumption and production for a sustainable future