Sustainable Development Goal 14 – Life Below Water | Al Qalam University College
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Al-Qalam university College
Special Report

Al-Qalam university College Progress Report on SDG 14 – Life Below Water


At Al-Qalam university College, we are committed to advancing SDG 14: “Life Below Water.” This report highlights our initiatives and progress in marine conservation

Initiatives and Projects for Life Below Water

Sustainable Fishing Practices: Our university promotes sustainable fishing practices and collaborates with local fishing communities to ensure responsible resource use

Impact and Achievements

Promoting sustainable fishing practices has supported local fishing communities and ensured the long-term viability of marine resources

Challenges and Lessons Learned

While celebrating our achievements, we recognize challenges such as overfishing and pollution. Lessons learned include the importance of education and sustainable practices

Future Commitments

In the coming years, Al-Qalam university College is dedicated to expanding our efforts in line with SDG 14. We will continue to promote sustainable fishing


We are proud of our contributions to SDG 14, “Life Below Water.” By publishing this progress report, we hope to inspire others to join us in the journey toward a healthier environment