Sustainable Development Goal 17 – Partnerships for the Goals | Al Qalam University College
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Al-Qalam university College
Special Report

Al-Qalam university College Progress Report on SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals


At Al-Qalam university College, we are deeply committed to advancing SDG 17: “Partnerships for the Goals.” We understand the importance of partnerships to achieve sustainable development. This report highlights our collaborative efforts and progress in this area

Initiatives and Projects for Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Academic Partnerships: Al-Qalam university College actively collaborates with other academic institutions, research organizations, and universities globally. We engage in joint research projects and knowledge sharing
Community Engagement: Our university is actively involved with local communities. We partner with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local initiatives to address social and environmental challenges
Industry Collaborations: We actively collaborate with industry partners to promote innovation, knowledge transfer, and sustainability

Impact and Achievements

Academic partnerships have resulted in joint publications, research breakthroughs
Community engagement programs have positively impacted the lives of individuals, reducing disparities in access to healthcare, education, and income
Industry collaborations have fostered economic growth and technological advancements, creating job opportunities and spurring innovation

Challenges and Lessons Learned

While celebrating our achievements, we recognize challenges such as financial sustainability for academic partnerships and the importance of ongoing engagement with local communities. Lessons learned include the value of nurturing a culture of innovation and collaboration

Future Commitments

In the coming years, Al-Qalam university College is dedicated to expanding our efforts in line with SDG 17. We will continue to foster academic partnerships, broaden community engagement, and further enhance industry collaborations to drive sustainable development


We are proud of our contributions to SDG 17, “Partnerships for the Goals.” Our efforts align with the global commitment to promote collaboration for sustainable development. By publishing this progress report, we hope to inspire others to join us in the journey toward effective partnerships for achieving sustainable goals