Sustainable Procurement Policy | Al Qalam University College
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Sustainable Procurement Policy

Al-Qalam University College Sustainable Procurement Policy

At Al-Qalam University College, we are committed to integrating sustainability principles into our procurement practices to promote environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability. Our sustainable procurement policy outlines our commitment to making responsible purchasing decisions that minimize environmental impact support ethical business practices, and contribute to the well-being of our community.

:Key Principles

Environmental Considerations: We prioritize the purchase of products and services that minimize environmental impact throughout their life cycle from extraction and production to disposal. We aim to reduce resource consumption, minimize waste generation, and promote the use of renewable and recyclable materials whenever feasible.

Social Responsibility: We are dedicated to upholding human rights, labor standards, and ethical business practices in our supply chain. We strive to work with suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to fair labor practices, diversity and inclusion, and community engagement.

Economic Viability: We seek to achieve value for money in our procurement decisions while also considering long-term costs and benefits. We recognize that investing in sustainable products and services can lead to cost savings, improved efficiency, and enhanced reputation over time.

:Guiding Practices

Supplier Engagement: We actively engage with suppliers to communicate our sustainability expectations and encourage collaboration in achieving shared goals. We seek suppliers who are committed to sustainability and are transparent about their practices and performance.

Product Evaluation: We evaluate products and services based on their environmental performance, quality, and social impact. We consider factors such as energy efficiency, recycled content, certifications (e.g., Fair Trade, Forest Stewardship Council), and end-of-life management options in our procurement decisions.

Lifecycle Analysis: We conduct lifecycle assessments to understand the environmental and social impacts of our procurement decisions and identify opportunities for improvement. By considering the full lifecycle of products and services, we aim to minimize negative externalities and maximize positive contributions to sustainability.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously monitoring and evaluating our procurement practices to identify areas for improvement and innovation. We engage stakeholders across our institution to solicit feedback, share best practices, and implement new initiatives that align with our sustainability goals and objectives.