Saleh Mohamed Rahim | Al Qalam University College
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Saleh Mohamed Rahim

Department of Forensic Evidences sciences

Professor Dr. Salih Muhammad Rahim is currently working as a professor of physiology at Al-Qalam University College / Kirkuk - Iraq. He received his MA and PhD from Louis Pasteur University / Strasbourg 1- France. He worked at the University of Tikrit for more than thirty years and finally at the University of Kirkuk. He has taught several subjects in the Departments of Life Sciences. Supervised 23 PhD theses, 44 master's theses, and 2 technical diploma theses. He has more than 85 scientific papers published in international and local scientific journals and conferences. He worked as a visiting professor at the College of Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology / Hadramout University, Yemen (2001-2002), He obtained a postdoctoral degree from the College of Science/National University Malaysia (UKM) (2012-2013).